Q7 Where Are There No Earthquakes?Answer In Activity 2 Lets Mark The Boundaries

Q7 where are there no earthquakes?answer in activity 2 lets mark the boundaries

There are no earthquake in large part of the pacific ocean, northernmost Asia (Russia), majority of Europe, in the middle and eastern region of South and North America. Some areas in Africa and Australia also have no earthquake. Earthquake are scattered over the Earths surface of the earth but are not randomly distributed. Earthquake are tend to be concentrated in narrow zone resembling the shape of each plate boundaries. Areas with earthquake also have active volcanoes since volcanic eruption produces volcanic earthquake.

To know more about the distribution of Earthquake epicenter around the worl, you visit the link: brainly.ph/question/731263


Slippage along the fault or the plate boundary, releases tremendous amount of energy which causes vibration on the surface of the Earth which is commonly known as Earthquake.

Types of Earthquake

  1. Tectonic Earthquake
  2. Volcanic Earthquake

Tectonic Earthquake

Tectonic earthquake is the result of the movement of the plate which produces tremendous amount of energy that travels in all direction away from the epicenter causing shaking on the surface.

Volcanic Earthquake

Volcanic Earthquake occurs due to the volcanic activity of erupting volcanoes. Volcanic activity due to the rising of magma on the surface of the earth causes shaking in surrounding areas known as volcanic earthquake.

To know more about volcanic earthquake and tectonic earthquake, you can visit the link: brainly.ph/question/2158170

Types of Seismic waves produce during Earthquake

  • Body wave
  • Surface wave

Body waves can travel in the interior of the earth known as primary wave and secondary wave. Primary wave is the fastest to travel and it can travel in both solid and liquid medium. Secondary wave travels slower than primary wave and it can only travel in solid not in liquid. The information provided by body waves gives ideas on what made up the inner layer of the earth.

Surface wave on the other hand is composed of Love wave and Rayleigh wave. Love wave is faster than Rayleigh wave but, it causes majority of the damage on the surface of the earthquake. Love wave moves the ground in a side to side horizontal motion, like that of a snakes causing the ground to twist which is the main reason why it causes more damage compared to the rest of the waves released during earthquake. On the other hand, Rayleigh wave rolls along the ground just like a wave rolls across the ocean.

To know more about seismic wave released during earthquake, you can visit the link: brainly.ph/question/1836811

Studying earthquakes epicenter is one of the basis of the scientist in dividing the Earths lithosphere into several segments called plates. Majority of the earthquake occur the plate boundary.

Three Types of Plate boundary

  • Convergent Boundary
  • Divergent Boundary
  • Transform Fault Boundary

Convergent Boundary

Occurs when two plates moves towards each other. It can be continental to continental convergence, oceanic to oceanic convergence, continental to oceanic convergence.

Divergent Boundary

Occurs when plates moves away from each other.

Transform Fault Boundary

Occurs when the plate slide past each other.

Locating the earthquakes epicenter provides important data in identifying areas which are prone to earthquake so that necessary precaution will be taken to prevent lost of life and other casualties.


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